Sonia's Photo Sets
- The Early Years -

In 1997, my husband Brad and I started a little website we called Sonia's Homepage.  It had no domain name at first - just a shared space on our ISP's server.  Within a couple of months, we had a real domain -  I only had 10 photo sets at the time, and they were shot on our state-of-the-art (LOL) digital camera at its maximum resolution (640 X 480).  In those early photo sets I didn't show my face or I blurred it out in my pictures in order to protect my anonymity. We were just having fun, doing what we enjoyed, with no idea what would come of it.

Soon, thanks to many of you, our humble little website developed into a real business for us and became  Over the years, I removed many of those early photo sets from my site as they were replaced by my newer pictures.  I've since been reluctant to bring many of them back to my site, because I didn't feel they met our newer standards.  But recently, so many of you have asked me to bring them back, that I couldn't say no!  So I hope you will forgive the blurred faces and lower resolution of these pictures and view them for what they are - a look back at how we got started - a look back at the early years.

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