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            I am the branch manager for a national parts distributorship. My store manager’s name is Anita. Anita is 35, single, and German. She is a size six with a beautiful hour glass figure. She dresses very conservatively, usually slacks and a blouse. Anita is very conservative and somewhat of a prude. She has made it known on several occasions that even the slightest off color joke or discussion will be reported to HR.

            Three months ago, my boss showed me where we have been losing inventory dollars every month. The strange point was that all the inventory was accounted for. I started looking over the records and indeed all the inventory was accounted for by physical count or sales voucher. Yet every month we were losing a few hundred dollars in inventory value.

            I worked on this project for weeks with no luck. On day, I asked Anita for help in finding the missing dollars. First I asked her to being me all the charge receipts for the last quarter. Next I asked for all the charge returns. Step three was to ask for the cash sales receipts and step four was for all the cash voids and returns. At this point Anita went to lunch.

            After lunch I asked her into my officer to go over the cash returns. I closed the office door behind us as she entered. My intent was to go over all the invoices without being disrupted. That’s not what happened. At this point Anita sat down in a chair and started to cry. She said that it started one day when she was tight for cash and her car broke down. That day she purchased some name brand tools on a cash ticket. She then approved a “Return Goods Authorization or RGA” to return the money to the cash box. However, on the return, she marked the ticket “No Inventory adjustment”. This showed the tools as being sold, but the RGA made the cash box balance. She then took the tools to a local pawn shop and sold them.

            Through her tears she stated that she only meant to do it once, but it was so easy, she kept repeating it. She begged me not to tell. She said she would do anything to keep from going to jail. I felt a twinge in my pants and a lump in my throat. Hiding the excitement in my head, I told her that she had put me in a risky situation and that she would have to make it worth my while. She then stared at the floor and again said “I’ll do anything you want, anything.”

            I told Anita that I could not decide right now. This has been going on for over three months and I need more than 10 minutes to decide. I told her to go home and I would see her in the morning.

            The next morning Anita arrives. She is wearing a grey dress suit with a white blouse. The blouse is tight. The buttons pull slightly. I can see the lace from her bra through the fabric. Anita was wearing hosiery and blue hills. “Good morning boss”, she says with a smile. “Can we go to lunch together? We have to talk”. With this, she sat down at her desk and started to work on her computer. She acted as if nothing had happened. However, all morning she gave me an impish or sly look when ever we passed.

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