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A few moments after waking up, a smile came across Catherine's lips. Stretching, yawning, noticing the bright sunshine against the curtains, she pushed the covers aside and stood up, then turned toward the full length mirror.  Pulling off her nightgown and straightening her hair, she studied herself, and decided she liked what she saw.  The two months of diet and exercise, in anticipation of her nephews visit, had certainly paid off.  Her waist was nice and trim, her hips a gentle curve.  Her skin had a nice golden glow, all over.  She usually tried not to get too much sun, but for the past couple weeks had sunbathed nude for a few minutes each day.  This was sort of a special occasion.  As she opened the curtains her hair sparkled in the sun. Catherine just had it cut, styled and lightened several shades.  Of course her husband barely noticed- "You do something to your hair?"- But it bothered Catherine not in the least.  In fact, she thought about it with a little laugh. His golfing weekend away in Palm Springs was going to coincide exactly with Alex's visit.  What a coincidence, she thought.

Alex had lain awake till two in the morning last night and was still groggy when his clock radio went off.  But, remembering what day this was, quickly snapped out of it.  Oh man, he thought.  His mind could barely process everything that was going through it.  She had told him how wrong anything would be between them . . . but if no one knew . . . maybe he could talk her into it . . . he just couldn't think straight.  If nothing else, just being around her would be enough.  As was usual, upon awaking, his dick was throbbing, hard as a rock.  He reached into his pajamas and stroked it lazily for a minute, but, noticing the time, jumped out of bed and headed for the shower.  He wanted to catch the earliest possible train.

Spotting each other on the platform, Alex walked quickly over to his Aunt, who gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.  "It's so good to see you", She said, arm around his waist as they walked to her car.  "We'll have such fun.  You know, my husband will be away for the entire weekend.  It'll just be you and me.  I do hope I can trust you, having the house to ourselves like this."  She winked at her nephew...

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