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Over the years, my mother-in-law flashed me a lot. I always thought that it was accidental. Now, in hindsight, I still think that it was accidental, accidentally on purpose. There is too much information to put down in one story and even if I could squeeze it all in to one very long story, the sheer volume of the numerous times that she flashed me would take away from the excitement of the others. It's better if I write about each one separately.

Below is the story of the first time that my mother-in-law, my future mother-in-law at the time, flashed me.

I remember the first Christmas that I was dating her daughter. I was 18-years-old and my future mother-in-law was in her early-forties, an age that is ancient to a teenager. She was pretty in a motherly sort of way. Men her age found her attractive. I only thought of her as my girlfriend's mother, that is, until she started flashing me. Then, I started thinking of her as more sexual and as a woman to voyeur.

I had limited sexual experience. My girlfriend and I were playing touching feely a lot, but nothing overtly sexual in the way that young couples are today. We didn't have intercourse until our wedding night. How many couples today wait until the wedding? Yeah, I figured as much, the only one with his hand raised is the guy in the back of the room holding a deflated, inflatable doll.

So, there I was sitting across from my future mother-in-law opening presents on Christmas morning. She was hung over from the office Christmas party that she attended the night before at her boss's house, which is another story and one that I need to tell because I was the one who had to pick her up that night. That group before us baby boomers drank a lot back then. They had those wild orgy office parties that a lawyer today would salivate all over his sexual harassment damages calculator.

My girlfriend had to roust her mother from bed. From what her mother was wearing that morning, it looked as if she threw on the clothes that she wore the night before or had slept in her clothes. Her hair was a bit wild.

I'll never forget it. This was the 60's, the age of the mini-skirt and she was wearing a short brown skit that grew shorter when sitting. It was the type of skirt that stayed flat on the top, so that if a woman did not keep her knees together, whoever was sitting across from her had a good view between her legs, as if they were looking at her through an open ended cereal box.

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