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We lived upstairs from my mother-in-law in a two family house. Her husband had died a few years earlier in an automobile accident. Now, living alone, she had more room than she needed and told me that I could use her back porch to store any extra stuff that I didn't want to lug down the cellar.

I kept car stuff and a bunch of tools on her back porch, stuff that I didn't need to use all the time and storing it on her back porch was much easier than lugging it down the cellar. The back porch was a later addition to the house. Consequently, her bathroom window, which once faced outside now faced in the interior of the back porch. You couldn't see anything with the window's frosted glass. The most you could make out was her naked blurred figure.

Whenever my wife was out and I knew Doris would be taking a shower, I'd go down to her back porch on the pretense of getting a tool to watch her shower. The most that I could make out before the heat steamed the glass was the outline of the side of her tit and ass, especially when she stood closer to the frosted glass. Always, I went down with the hope that she'd have the window open a crack, which she sometimes did to vent the excess steam from the bathroom that the fan took longer to rid and hopefully I could get a look at her naked.

Well, one day, I hit the jackpot and it figures that it was the day that I wasn't even looking to see her naked. I actually needed a tool that was stored on her back porch. Well, there I am looking for a tool when suddenly the bathroom light illuminates the back porch. That was when I noticed that her bathroom window was open a crack and the sliding shower door was open. I had a clear view of the bathroom. Only, how could I look in without her seeing me? I wished I had a periscope or had the forethought to rig a mirror on a stick like they do in those spy movies.

I crouched down and peered in at the far corner of the bathroom window. It wasn't the best view and I was denied a view of the entire bathroom, but if she stood by the sink or walked in the shower, I'd see something. Sure enough, she stood by the sink in her nightgown. I stared at her bit tits moving with her every movement and hidden from my view by only a thin layer of cotton. I stepped back and ducked down. I did not want her to see me. How embarrassing would that be if she caught me peeping at her?...

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